New markets, "German army general style zinc alloy pistol (G12, G's) is one of our fantastic range of heavy, very sturdy metal from its solid Sinclair alloy construction, it has a button magazine release system, large capacity magazine, adjustable sight (to set a precise target range), the completion of the polished metal case and a traditional style wooden handle
Easy Load Storage Magazine
Strong Trigger Weight
Robust Design
Adjustable Sight
Metal Construction
Safety : OFF
Easy Release Magazine
Storage Case
Excellent Value For Money
Other Products:
Face Protector or Safety Glasses and Protective clothing should be worn at all times From 01/10/2007 the laws regarding airsoft guns have changed for the UK. Under the VCR Bill 2006 it is illegal to buy or sell an airsoft gun to or from anyone under the age of 18 years.
PLEASE NOTE: Under section 36 of the VCR act it is a criminal offense to alter the appearance, or paint an imitation firearm in a color to make it into a realistic imitation firearm.