I am the proud mother of seven beautiful children, five adopted with special needs two biological. I have been married to the same wonderful man for 30 years and counting. I love what I do helping people find their true selves. Empowering people to play their best game or lose 50 lb's everyday is a gift and I embrace it.
Why I became a Clinical Hypnotherapist
Hypnosis has been a part of my life since 1986. I lived very close to a great hypnotist who helped me create cassettes for the birth of my second child. It made a world of difference. My first birth was 22 hours and broke every blood vessel in my face neck and chest. So after fertility treatment as well as hypnosis to conceive my second child I knew there had to be a better way to birth my baby. So I listened to a cd made for me by the hypnotist every night and my son was born 6 hours from start to finish no rips no tears and no broken blood vessels. And was home in less then 24 hours.
After using hypnosis for years to help women birth and the results were amazing I found the HypnoBirthing Mongan program.
So HypnoBirthing & HypnoBirthing Fertility is a perfect fit.
I also used hypnosis to stop a three pack a day habit of cigarettes no filter ones. I needed to quite but had tried everything except hypnosis. So back to the hypnotist I went and in one hour I was free from the dragon on my shoulder.
Give me a call at (770) 966-5200
email me at
[email protected]2221 Peachtree Rd
Suite x4
Atlanta, GA 30309
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