Oslo remembers bomb and Utoeya attacks

Reuters 2012-07-22

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STORY: On the one year anniversary, people on Sunday paid their respects to those who died last year when Anders Behring Breivik killed 77 people in twin attacks.

Breivik admitted killing eight people with a car bomb at government offices in Oslo, then gunning down 69 people, mostly teenagers, at an island summer camp of the ruling Labor Party, in what he has described as a counter-attack against multiculturalism.

The bomb went off at around 1525 local time near the government block which is now partly cordoned off.

Many people left roses near the government headquarters and the city's cathedral, roses being the symbol of the ruling Labor Party.

Breivik has said the Labor Party was his chief target because it had promoted mass immigration, and that its youth camp was political indoctrination with the aim of brainwashing young activists.

After the attacks last year, flowers covered almost every statue, lamp-post, fountain and fence in the capital and there was a sea of flowers outside the city's cathedral.

The road outside the cathedral had to be closed as the flowers spilled into the street.

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