Classic Game Room presents a CGRundertow review of Bulletstorm from People Can Fly, Epic Games and Electronic Arts for the PlayStation 3. Bulletstorm is also available for the Xbox 360 and PC. At first look, Bulletstorm looks like another violent shooter with another violent protagonist. What becomes clear after a minute with Grayson, though, is that his foul-mouthed, macho facade is a deliberate play on the tone of his peers. Some have said it's hard to take Bulletstorm seriously, but that's exactly the point. This is a parody of shooters that people do take seriously, and it's an effective one, at that. Bulletstorm follows assassin Grayson Hunt on a quest for revenge, a quest that involves monsters, mutants, and man-eating shrubbery. This video review features video gameplay footage of Bulletstorm for the PlayStation 3 and audio commentary from Classic Game Room's Derek.