Elvis Comes Alive

Geo Beats 2012-06-09

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Elvis Comes Alive - as part of the news series by GeoBeats.

Elvis lives! At least in holographic form. Digital Domain Media Group, who was behind the Tupac Shakur hologram that dazzled audiences at Coachella Music Festival are now working on a digital hologram representation of Elvis Presley. There is no set date for completion, but the company has gotten the go ahead from Core Media Group, who owns the license rights, to create the King of Rock and Roll’s likeness for concerts, film, television and other projects.

Why Elvis you might ask.

Digital Domain Media Group’s chairman John Textor said: “Elvis is the most iconic, most recognized performer on the planet, and we are thrilled to have been chosen to bring new performances and original shows where fans can have their own, new experiences of Elvis.”

Creating holograms of deceased celebrities is becoming big business after the Tupac hologram appearance made top headlines and brought the artist’s music back into the Billboard top 200 albums.

Plans are also in the works for a Marilyn Monroe hologram to star in her very own musical stage performance. What celebrity would you like to see brought back to life using this exciting new technology?

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