Renowned bariatric surgeon, Santa Monica based Dr. Carson Liu came to the rescue of a woman who had gone down to Tijuana, Mexico to get a cheap lap band from a clinic there. The lap band was not an FDA approved version, and it cut into her stomach causing severe infection. After some time the infection grew worse and caused much vomiting. The adjustment band was forced out of the abdominal wall by the pressure of the vomiting, causing the spread of infection, more discomfort and danger. The woman was referred to Dr. Liu since he's well known for his skills for revision surgery and having performed over 4,000 bariatric procedures. Dr. Liu removed the lap band from the woman and got her on a course of recovery. This is a must see video for anyone who is considering a Lap-Band.
Dr. Liu says the Lap-Band is by far the safest of all the bariatric procedures. But like anything, it's safe as long as all the conditions to make it so are optimal.