The phrase, "The show must go on" means more to actress Catherine Russell than most.
Since April 1987, Russell has starred in all but four performances of the off-Broadway play "Perfect Crime."
In 2008 the Guinness World Records recognized her for Most Performances Of A Theatre Actor In The Same Role.
To date, Russell has performed the role of Margaret Thorne Brent more than 10,000 times with no vacation days or sick days.
SOUNDBITE: Catherine Russell, actress, saying (English):
"I get up early in the morning and teach and then I come here and run the business and then I go on stage. So I'm able to use all the different parts of my brain and so that's challenging and fun and I think it keeps me healthy."
Performing eight shows a week, every week, Russell says people are sometimes awe-struck by her dedication.
SOUNDBITE: Catherine Russell, actress, saying (English):
"I was raised 'You go to work' and that's just what you do. So I find it a little strange that people are surprised by that, but it may be a reflection of our society that people don't enjoy their work."
The only person who may be bored by Russell's performance streak is her understudy who has yet to hit the stage.
SOUNDBITE: Catherine Russell, actress, saying (English):
"She's a wonderful actress, she just hasn't had an opportunity to go on. You know, I could always fall down a flight of stairs. You never know, although I think I might drag myself up and get back on stage. I don't know about that."
Early in the show's run, she missed four performances to attend family weddings, but Russell says she would have to work her nuptials around curtain time.
SOUNDBITE: Catherine Russell, actress, saying (English):
"My idea of a perfect wedding would be to go to City Hall, bing, bang, boom, get married and come back to work. Maybe have a honeymoon lunch. How's that?"
Alicia Powell, Reuters.