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In this Video, John and his wife talk about alternative cancer treatments and the use of marine phytoplankton after John had been told his bladder was completely covered with cancer. He explains that all he did after that was take 6 capsules (3 grams) of marine phytoplankton a day. Six weeks later, his cancer tests came back negative--he is cancer-free! He contributes his cancer recovery to taking marine phytoplankton as one of the many all natural alternative cancer treatments available.
More information on how to Win The Fight Against Cancer Naturally at:
Website: http://www.winthefightagainstcancernaturally.org
Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/CancerNaturally
Face Book: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Win-The-Fight-Against-Cancer-Naturally/
MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/fightcancernaturally