East Timor Votes in Presidential Runoff

NTDTelevision 2012-04-18

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East Timor presidential candidate Francisco Guterres, known as "Lu Olo" casts his ballot.

He faces off against former military commander Taur Matan Ruak for the top job of Asia's newest and poorest nation.

Speaking to media, Lu Olo was confident of his victory and ability to lead.

"I believe I will win and what I promise during the campaign period I will carry out after being elected, and I will be president for all the people of East Timor to ensure peace and prosperity, development and cooperation with other state agencies."

Ruak, too, is confident, but added he would accept any decision by constituents.

"I hope this election result will be better accepted by the people of East Timor, including both candidates, because it has become a choice of the people."

The elections are slated to help the country return to stability in the wake of a bloody struggle for independence in 2002 and intermittent violence during the 2007 parliamentary vote.

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