Classic Game Room: RDR: UNDEAD NIGHTMARE for PS3 review

ClassicGameRoom 2012-04-13

Views 3

Classic Game Room reviews RED DEAD REDEMPTION: UNDEAD NIGHTMARE for Playstation 3 PS3 (also available for Xbox 360). This download add-on for Read Dead Redemption can also be purchased as a single, stand-alone disc for PS3 and Xbox 360. Undead to the end! John Marston returns home to find his wife and son being mangled by a zombie! Oh no! Time to rid the Wild West of these undead nuisances by any means necessary. Shoot them, burn them, explode them with the Undead Nightmare blunderbuss, RDR Undead Nightmare is even more fun and carnage to enhance your RDR experience. New missions and an all-new storyline await fans of the series or newcomers. This CGC review of Red Dead Redemption Undead Nightmare has Red Dead Redemption Undead Nightmare gameplay showing Red Dead Redemption Undead Nightmare game play on PS3 (available for Xbox 360 too)

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