Quantum Conundrum, the upcoming first-person action video game being developed by Airtight Games and published by Square Enix, is set to launch later this year with creativity taken to a whole new level. In Quantum Conundrum, you play the role of a reserved 12-year-old boy as he visits the mansion laboratory owned by his uncle, Professor Fitz Quadwrangle, an eccentric scientist and inventor. Upon his arrival an event takes place due to a failed experiment causing Professor Fitz Quadwrangle to mysteriously disappear. Thanks to a magical glove, you will have the ability to change dimensions and discover what happened to the boy's uncle.
Kim Swift, lead designer of the critically acclaimed release of Portal in 2007, has taken on the role of lead designer for Quantum Conundrum and we were lucky enough to meet up with Kim to ask her a few questions about the upcoming release. Watch the interview below provided by Seagate, the storage of choice for gamers and let us know what you think in the comments section.
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