Here with this ingeneous accordion piece is one more bit of evidence that Tuur is a real musical centipede. 'Wat Vinde Gij ?' ('What do you think about it?) is a medley that starts with a rhythm over which Tuur improvises, and ends with 'La valse des Frimeurs' ('The Show-offs' Waltz), an urgent waltz written for the film 'Aanrijding in Moskou' ('Car crash in Moscow'). Armed with a patchwork of diverse influences, Tuur outlines one-by-one the 1001 sounds that the accordion can make.
Image : Rafael Serenellini, Justine vande Walle, Margot Locatelli
Sound : Kobe Goudeseune , Jules Duys
Production : Jacoba Kint, Bee Hugyecz for Muziekpublique
Translation: Owen Thomas McEldowney
"A Song a Day: World Tour in Music and Images":
In concert on april 24th @ Ancienne Belgique