Healing Man with a Dented Head - as part of the news and politics series by GeoBeats.
Tim Barter fell 25 feet from a drainpipe and ended with a dented head.
When he was brought to the King's College Hospital in London, he was in a coma with a brain haemorrhage, a shattered eye socket and broken leg.
Over many weeks, doctors worked on Tim's injuries. Remarkably, they used the fat from his stomach for fixing the dent in his head and this is what Tim looks like today.
Medical science has seen rapid advancement over the last several decades in terms of how doctors have been able to replace parts of our bodies.
McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine in Pittsburgh has many of the world's best researchers working to help wounded US soldiers regain normal body functions with cell therapy and organ replacement.
In one of the highest profile cases of such medical marvels, Dallas Wiens, a 26 year old construction worker received a full face transplant at Brigham and Women's Hospital following an accident.
Who knows what the limits of human ingenuity are? Perhaps one day, changing any organs in a human body may become routine, like going to a dentist.
Meanwhile, Tim Barter, thanks to medical science, now enjoys kayaking and rock climbing.