The Anime & Manga Realm of Megaman - Part 1
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Baltimore Convention Center, Baltimore, MD
PART ONE: Check out the sea of Megaman fans from all over to come to Otakon to check out the Megaman fan panel in it's 3rd year running! Plus an introduction of the panelists and the in-depth discussion on the TV & Manga/Comic adaptations from the Classic series.
Be sure to check out the Panelists website for all things Megaman at
The Mega Man Network -
Rockman EXE Online - -
Capcom Unity -
Megaman/Rockman is property of Capcom Co. LTD, All Rights Reserved. This video series/panel is meant for historical and informational purposes and is a non-profit project. All music & clips used are property of their respective owners, please support them and the franchise by purchasing it's products. Thank you! - HCH Productions