Congress President Sonia Gandhi while speaking at an election rally in Raebareli said hat the Centre made a number of schemes for the development of U.P and sent more than one lakh crore to the state under various schemes. “The Centre had sent Rs. 20,000 crore to UP under Mahatma Gandhi NREGA policy which guarantees jobs to the poor, Rs. 9000 crore was sent under NRHM to ensure proper treatment and medicine for the poor, more than Rs. 23000 crores was sent under Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, and Rs. 8000 crore for Pradhanmantri Gram Sadak Yojana.”
“But where all these funds are vanished? she asked and continued, “No doubt, all these funds were swindled out in corruption and scams. These parties have cheated the entire brothers and sisters in the state. They overlooked the interests of the people”.