BALCONYTV.COM 24/12/2006
Most participants of Santarchy adhere to a set of 'Santa's Rules and Suggestions'. Most importantly, it includes "not messing with children, police, security, or Santa". Most Santa groups are not protesting anything, and their only purpose is to have fun and spread holiday cheer. More often than not, Santa-themed events take place each year without any notable disturbance.
There are exceptions however.
In 2005, a more violent version of the event occurred when on December 18, participants in Auckland, New Zealand, proceeded to start a small riot, with such criminal acts as looting stores, throwing bottles at passing cars, and assaulting security guards. At least two bystanders were lightly injured and three arrests were made. Alex Dyer, spokesman for the group, stated that Santarchy in Auckland was part of a worldwide phenomenon designed to protest against the commercialization of Christmas.An update on the recent "Bad Santa" behavior is available on the website The New Zealand group claims the media exaggerated the incident. Many participants of other SantaCon and Santarchy events were very shocked and disappointed by the incident, and disputed Alex Dyers characterization of Santa events as being any kind of "protest".
Another incident occurred in December 2005, when a horde of Santas rode bicycles into traffic in Tulsa, Oklahoma during morning rush hour. Eyewitness, police scanner, and radio traffic reports indicate Santas were spotted across Tulsa. The Tulsa Indy Gazetteer later reported that at least one of the Santas was later apprehended and charged with violations of city ordinances.
Despite these stories, most SantaCon events still maintain Christmas cheer. According to Reuters News, a Santa in Great Britain in 2005 paid off parking tickets. The Santa left money on the windshields of drivers who have received parking tickets with the message "Don't let this ticket spoil your Christmas, Here's £30 to pay it off. Merry Christmas - Parking Ticket Santa."
Tune in tomorrow!!!