Real life Tuskegee Airman talks Red Tails...

blacktreetv 2012-01-13

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[BlackTree TV - New York] Now I know for many of you this cast represents some type of assortment of eye candy, for many others it represents a cast full of young African American actors that we hope to see rise to the top of their game as their careers grow. But for me, I was most at awe by the real tuskegee airmen whom we met in New York while doing a Press Day for Red Tails. As big a producer as George Lucas is, as big a star as Terrence Howard and Cuba Gooding, Jr. are, none of them compared to the career of Dr. Roscoe Brown, Squandron Leader for airforce regiment known to us as the Tuskegee Airmen, and the first fighter pilot period to shoot down a German Jet Plane over Berlin. I was honored to meet the gentleman and to feel his tight grip as he shook my hands. Now up in his years, his brain hasn't lost a step and he came off to me as the star that he most certainly is. Well check out the interview, no reason for me to sit here and tell you about it all they when you can just watch....

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