Christian Bale China stunt does more harm than good

TomoNews Funnies 2012-01-11

Views 1 Hollywood star Christian Bale came under fire recently for his starring role in director Zhang Yimou's Nanjing Massacre movie "The Flowers of War", which was partly funded by the Chinese government. Following the movie's premiere, and perhaps in response to all the negative publicity he received, Bale decided to try and visit blind activist lawyer Chen Guangcheng with a CNN camera crew in tow. But Bale was forced to bail when confronted by several burly guards, and security around Chen and his village has now been stepped up. He has now been criticized by a Chinese government spokesperson, who said that Bale should feel embarrassed. Maybe the Batman star can take his super powers to the village of Wukan in Guangdong next as the week's long standoff between protesting villagers and security forces threatens to turn ugly. 

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