Jon Stewart rallies the troops in Washington 脫口秀主持人史都華招兵買馬

TomoNews Funnies 2012-01-10

Views 77 Comedian Jon Stewart plans to hold a rally for viewers and fans in Washington on October 30. Dubbed the "Rally to Restore Sanity," the event is seen as a response to a similar rally held by Glenn Beck over the summer. 脫口秀主持人強史都華將在月底30號為觀眾舉辦一場叫「恢復理智」的遊行,史都華將趁機回應電視名嘴貝克今年暑假舉辦的集會活動。史都華已找了知名度高的左派名人參與,新聞網站創辦人赫芬頓女士主動提供紐約與華府之間的交通巴。超過二十萬臉書用戶已報名參加集會。貝克說,史都華辦集會是為了要動用年輕人,引導他們投民主黨。本集會對歐巴馬來說可能是好事,民主黨在這次選舉可能會慘敗,歐巴馬則同意將在史都華的脫口秀上露臉。不管如何,史都華堅持此集會是辦給中間的選民,不過右派的選民應該不會出席。史都華的觀眾群真的會去投票嗎?我們將拭目以待,畢竟,11月2日是麥克肋排堡重返市場的日子。 Lending their support to the rally are high-profile liberals such as Arianna Huffington and Oprah Winfrey. Conservative critics allege Stewart is attempting to mobilize young viewers and influence the November 2 elections. Indeed, the rally is seen as benefiting Obama and the Democrats, who are likely to the polls next week. Obama in turn plans to appear on Stewart's show. Whether Stewart's fan base can stay energized and show up at the polls remains to be seen. November 2, after all, marks the return of the McRib sandwich at McDonald's. 

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