Paris Hilton avoids stint in jail 派瑞絲逃過監獄之災

TomoNews Funnies 2012-01-10

Views 123 Earlier today, American socialite Paris Hilton appeared in a Las Vegas court to plead guilty for two misdemeanors after being caught with cocaine last month. The 29-year-old has a knack of getting out of trouble, as she also has a history of blaming others. During the World Cup in South Africa, Hilton was arrested for marijuana possession but blamed her friend Jennifer Rovero. In Corsica, France, Hilton was caught with less than a gram of marijuana and was let go. In 2007, Hilton served 23 out of her 45-day sentence for reckless driving. More at 上個月美國名媛派瑞絲在賭城拉斯維加斯被逮。為了逃過監獄之災,派瑞絲日前終於認了兩項持有毒品輕罪。派瑞絲雖然不用去坐牢,但還是免不了200個鐘頭的社區服務和一年的緩刑。拉斯維加斯警察發現派瑞絲包包裡藏了一公克古柯鹼之後逮捕了她。她說包包不是她,還瞎掰以為古柯鹼是口香糖。派瑞絲做壞事出包老是愛怪他人。之前在南非,派瑞絲因持有大麻被捕。可是卻把責任推到朋友身上。在法國的柯西佳島,警犬發現派瑞絲身上帶有不到一公克的大麻。決定放她一馬。這是派瑞絲第三次被捕。二零零七年的時候,她因危險駕駛判被關四十五天。可是在監獄才待二十三天就出獄了。 

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