Stanisław Moniuszko - Opera Flis 4/4

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Although his operas Halka and The Haunted Manor are known outside Poland, at least by reputation, as the foundations of Polish opera, I would doubt if many other than specialists could name even one of his other works. There were in fact some sixteen or so operas and operettas as well as much instrumental and vocal music. Flis was written in between his two better known works. It has a plot that is more than usually bizarre
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Drugą powstałą po "Halce" operą Stanisława Moniuszki jest "Flis". Opera ta została napisana już z myślą o scenie warszawskiej, gdyż po entuzjastycznym przyjęciu "Halki" przez publiczność, Ignacy Abramowicz, ówczesny dyrektor Teatrów Warszawskich, nominował Stanisława Moniuszkę na stanowisko dyrektora opery polskiej
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