Christian Bale. One man. One pair of shoes.
Bale has been photographed wearing his craptastic brown shoes since 2004, which makes the shoes older than his beloved daughter. The phenomenon was identified by posters on IMDb's Christian Bale board. Bale likes to pair his shoes with an assortment of cargo pants, sometimes jeans, black t-shirts that he gets free from people, and accessorizes with black sunglasses and/or a full grown Jesus beard. Bale and his shoes have traveled across the world, to London, Paris, Rome, Tokyo, and back and forth between LA and NYC. The shoes have witnessed some of Bale's most drastic changes, particularly the transformation between The Machinist and Batman Begins. The shoes have also survived three Batman films. It is obvious that Bale and his craptastic brown shoes have a special bond, with or without fame. Some might even believe they are the secret to his success.