Robert Shemin Complaint Free

getrichwithrobert 2011-11-06

Views 9

THIS IS ONE OF MANY THANK YOUS...! I am sure this is one of many thank yous from a happy student. I really enjoyed your 3 day course in Las Vagas last weekend and I'm looking forward to Millionaires boot camp and asset protection in the near future. I appreciate the passion and energy you put into your courses and I feel you really want your students to get it and take action. I look forward to telling you about some successes.

WE HAVE BEEN ABLE TO BENEFIT We have been able to benefit and apply many things that Robert suggests. Even if you only applied a few of the the tips to your business, it would be well worth the money. One things Robert touches on in his CD is that real estate is about the numbers. So we started taking our emotions out of the buying process, and just started doing the math on each house. If the math made sense, we made an offer.

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