Choosing Clothes That Make You Look Thinner (Women Wardrobe Tips)

Geo Beats 2011-10-19

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Choosing Outfits to Look Thinner (Managing Wardrobe) - as part of the Women's Style series by GeoBeats. Here are some tips if you are a little bit on the heavier side, you are carrying a few extra pounds, and you want to look thinner. Well, yes you can. First of all, avoid anything that is too much fabric. You know, if you are wearing bigger, bigger is not better when you are a bit heavier. It is going to make you look bigger. You are better off having clothes that just skim your body. Still, we can see the outline of your body. Not too tight either. That is another thing. You think you are going to wear something really tight, it is going to hold everything in. No, it is just going to make you look bigger. So just skimming your body is a much better choice. Another thing to look for are princess seams. Yes, princess seams are these curved seams. And whenever you have them on a garment, in the back, or in the front of a garment, it instantly curves in, and it will make you look thinner. Pinstripes, anything on the vertical, will make you look thinner. So you also want to make sure you avoid anything too boxy. When you have boxy, you are going to look boxy. This is not a camouflaging technique is to wear something big and square. It is not going to make you look, it is not going to make you look better. You are better off to opt with something with a curved seam. It is going to be far more flattering. Also, this would not be such a friendly choice for you if you are carrying a few extra pounds. I mean, it looks, in theory, it looks great. But actually, it is going to add bulk to your frame. It is not going to give any definition to your body. And it is just going to make you look larger and rounder. So this is not really a good choice, some of these very large batwing type sweaters that are out there right now. Also, one of the things you want to keep in mind when you want to look a little bit thinner, is, keep the emphasis on the center of your body. The eye will instantly go towards the center when you have a focal point such as a scarf, also even a long necklace. You want to keep the, your eye moving in this area. And you instantly look thinner if you have got all the attention towards the center of your body instead of the sides of your body. So keep vertical, think vertical lines. It is always going to make you look thinner. So those are some tricks to make you look a little bit thinner if you are carrying those extra pounds, and a little bit on the heavier side.

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