In order to properly present a catastrophic injury or wrongful death case it’s important to have experts on your side. People who cannot only explain the science involved but also can explain the mechanics of the injury. At Greenberg and Stone, we have a full time in-house investigator who conducts investigations into all our accident and death cases.
In a wrongful death case, you can make a claim for economic and non-economic damages. The economic damages would include funeral expenses, the expenses of the last hospitalization, and also any potential lost wages and net accumulations to the estate. Non-economic damages include pain and suffering for the survivors. It’s very important for you to bring your claim as soon as possible because the law only gives you a certain amount of time to bring your claim and if you don’t your claim will be lost...To schedule a Free Consultation, please call 1-888-499-9700 or 305-595-2400 or visit