This is just a demo of the full lesson which is completely free. To continue this lesson for free just head here:
Welcome to this guitar lesson for Ed Sheerans's fantastic single You Need Me I Dont Need You. This Guitar Lesson covers everything you need to know including Chords Rhythm Strumming palm muting techniques etc. This is for beginner guitarists and also intermediate level so i spend more time on the lead guitar parts which contain a lot of slides! If you are a more advanced guitarist then do feel free to skip these sections. This is a great song for acoustic guitar and for improving your lead playing and rhythm
For a demonstrations of this song in full head here:
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This is a guitar lesson for the great new tune by Ed Sheeran from his album +, You Need Me I Dont Need You. You can get the lesson for free from the website. A fantastic tune learn how to play it the right way! Learn all the guitar chords, all the lead guitar parts on your electric guitar or acoustic guitar and impress your friends!
Dont know how to play? then head for the guitar courses where you can learn all the basics for free!