Help Upside Down Homeowners Webinar

branchrecruiter1 2011-09-13

Views 193

There is a significant paradigm shift taking place in the real estate financing world. There are millions of businesses and commercial property owners who want to expand or take equity out of their buildings but can't get financing from conventional lenders such as banks who just say NO! There are also millions of homeowners who are upside down on their mortgages, cannot afford their monthly mortgage payments and have no place to turn.
Private equity firms, have allocated 400 billion dollars to invest, and are moving in an aggressive manner into this market to provide private financing for commercial property/business owners as well as homeowners.
This provides an unprecedented opportunity for those who have the foresight and vision to take advantage of developing trends in the real estate financing market. There is huge money to be made helping match these home owners, businesses and commercial property owners with these funding sources!

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