Bunion Surgery - San Francisco Podiatrist Union Square CA
Dr. Bill Metaxas discusses the symptoms, causes and treatments of Bunions.
What Causes a Bunion?
A bunion is a prominence on the side of the foot by the big toe joint. The big toe may also be leaning over towards the smaller toes.You are usually born with the foot type that predisposes you to bunions. People with flat feet or really flexible feet are more prone to develop problems with bunions. Other causes are injury, rheumatoid arthritis and neurovascular disease. Over time, the mechanics of your foot and shoe gear increases the deformity of the bunion. Woman are more frequently affected, probably because of the types of shoes they wear.
What are the Symptoms?
The severity of the deformity may not correlate to the degree of pain. For example, a bunion that looks severe may have no pain; while a mild looking bunion may be incapacitating. Pain usually develops over the large p