Bloodline Champions Thorn Gameplay /w JensBond as Thorn

JensBond93 2011-08-16

Views 6

So this is my very first Bloodline Champions gameplay video, it's from 2 different replays where i have played as JensBond in both of them.

To play this game, simply go in to this link

and i will automaticly give you 5000 blood coins for you to buy bloodlines, skins, titles and much, much more!

This video is not for any profit. Feel free to take clip and make whatever you feel like doing with it. I really don't care. :P

If you are an player in this video and feel embarrest over getting owned by me or someone else in this clip or for any other reason. Well, too bad for that you should have played better. ^^

I take no responsibility for bloodlines getting hurt in this clip, it was their chioice to play agianst me. And they chould have left game at any time.

If you feel intressted in playing with me just whisper me ingame to "JensBond" and you can get an exclusive chance to join my pr0 clan "[WAO]WEUOW".

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