Eggs and Green Layered Yolk

Geo Beats 2011-08-11

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Eggs and Green Layered Yolk - as part of the expert series by GeoBeats. Today I am going to answer one really odd question, "Why do you get that green layer around the egg yolk sometimes when you have hard boiled eggs?" for example. Well, the answer is actually very chemical. There happens, sometimes when you overcook your eggs, that there is a reaction, a chemical reaction between the iron in the yolk and sulphur in the white, and through overcooking, that exacerbates the chemical reaction and the end result is a green layer that goes around the yolk. So if you want to avoid the green layer, be very careful about hard boiling your eggs. Do not overcook them. So, to avoid getting that green layer around the egg, you want to boil the eggs like this. Take a large pot, put the eggs in the pot, fill it with water one layer of eggs. Enough water that is about one and a half inches covering the eggs. Bring it to a boil, then lower the heat, and partially cover the pan for thirty seconds, and then take out off the heat and let the egg sit in that hot water for fifteen minutes. After the fifteen minutes goes by you will take the eggs out and run it under cold water and you are ready to go. So, there is one more thing that you should know about in terms of your own experience with these eggs, that everybody's pots are different, the water is different, temperatures are different. So when I say bring to a boil I mean a rolling boil. If your stove or your pot is not working the same as mine you will have to make some fine adjustments. But just know that it will go into cold water, you will bring it to a boil. Let it sit for thirty seconds in the boiling water, take it off the heat. So, when you are boiling them, be sure not to overcook because we are trying to avoid that green layer. So if it is going to sit in that hot water for fifteen minutes, pay attention to that fifteen minutes. Do not go to twenty minutes because you will end up with that green layer which you do not want. So enjoy your green less hard boiled eggs.

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