Sushi and Seasonal Veggies

Geo Beats 2011-07-31

Views 56

Sushi and Veggies - as part of the expert series by GeoBeats. Japanese cuizine is very seasonal sensitive and that goes the same with sushi. So depending on the time of the year, we get a very different type of sushi. For example, in the springtime, we get lots of mountain vegetables; things like fern is very popular, and asparagus maybe. Summertime, we get things like okra, summer squash; so those are very popular too. Fall time, we get lots of mushrooms and we love to grill mushrooms and simply put it on top of sushi and enjoy it that way. And wintertime is the best time for seafood in Japan. So we enjoy all the delicacies from sweet shrimp, to even fugu, which is pufferfish. And the varieties are so endless, and it's very fun to explore.

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