A 1949 fable, written by Sergey Mikhalkov, directed by Aleksandr Ivanov, music by Mieczysław Weinberg (Moisey Vainberg). Subtitles by me. (to turn on subtitles, click on the triangle at the bottom right of the video and turn on CC-English). A Russian CC track can also be turned on. Commentary about the film can be found over here: http://niffiwan.livejournal.com/28473.html
It took me a few weeks of fiddling to get the soundtrack more-or-less in sync with the video for this film. The trouble is that the original soundtrack doesn't seem to have been in sync either over the overall length, so I had to take away bits of sound from one place and add them to another (wherever I could find silence, where it wouldn't be noticeable)...