Starting Meditation - What Do You Need? - Women's Fitness

Geo Beats 2011-07-20

Views 61

Starting Meditation - What Do You Need? - part of the women's fitness video series by GeoBeats.

The lovely thing about meditation is that you do not need any paraphernalia at all. You do not need any special cushions, you do not need any special belts, you do not need anything special at all to get started. You just need the time to sit, you do not even have to sit. You just need to take the time to stop and bring your awareness to the present moment.

The one thing, I would recommend is perhaps, some kind of a timer, may be, if you have a cell phone, set the timer on your cell phone for the amount of time you want to meditate, a minute or two, because otherwise, you are always checking the clock. But that is actually the only tool you might need to get started. Other than that, the willingness and the effort to do it.

It is good to wear comfortable clothes when you meditate, specially if you are going to be sitting for a while. Another misconception is that if you sit properly, it will not hurt to meditate or will not be uncomfortable. But you are always gonna have a little bit of discomfort, so you want to be as comfortable as possible, specially if you are going to be sitting for any length of time. But there is no special clothes required. It is what feels good for you.

I think a lot of people believe that it has to look a certain way because they are used to seeing images of monks sitting on cushions or they are used to seeing pictures of temples with people meditating and you get an idea of what it is supposed to look like but it does not have to look like that at all.

So, you can start letting go of pre-conceived notions by letting go of those ideas of what it looks like. And that is also way to set yourself up for failure. May be, it is a little bit of self sabotage to thinking, "well, I cannot do it because it does not look like this". And, actually, you cannot do it wrong.

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