Wire Crochet Jewelry

joyasastrales 2011-07-14

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The weaving is unconventional, jewels and sculptures are created on a spiral curl-styled woven base. Adriana Laura Mendez and Julian Oribe are the masterminds behind these unique pieces of wearable art. Bracelets, necklaces and earrings all of them handwoven in gold and silver threads convey such handcraft and laboriousness contained in every piece design. Every jewelry piece is transformed into a true unique exclusive work. Creamos joyas y accesorios con hilos de oro, plata, alpaca y cobre. Utilizamos el tejido crochet para generar tramas, y especialmente un punto muy artesanal, el punto peruano, aros que se articulan entre si y dan origen a hermosas joyas artesanales….

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