Pulstar Neo Geo - Level 8 Longplay (No Miss) - Parte 2/4 - Stage 4 (Attack On Space Station), Stage 5 (The Dangerous Forest)

AndreNesman 2011-07-14

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Meu vídeo jogando Pulstar do Neo Geo MVS no level 8 até o fim sem perder vidas. Segunda parte de um total de 4 partes.

My video playing Pulstar Neo Geo MVS level 8 without losing lives. Second part of a total of 4 parts.


Pulstar é um excelente jogo de nave criado pela extinta Aicom e publicado pela SNK para o Neo Geo MVS, Neo Geo AES e Neo Geo CD, com músicas compostas por Harumi Fujita e Yasuaki Fujita.

Pulstar is a great shoot 'em up game created by the extinct Aicom Co. Ltd and published by SNK for the Neo Geo MVS, Neo Geo AES Neo Geo CD, with music composed by Harumi Fujita and Yasuaki Fujita.

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