Standby Generators - Call 603 234 3706 for Generators - NH, MA, ME, and VT

corrselectric 2011-07-12

Views 37

Standby Generators - Call (603) 234-3706 to request a FREE Estimate on Standby Home Power Generators in the New England states of NH, MA, ME, and VT.

Corr & Son's Electric is a full service generator sales, service, and installation company that can provide your home with standby power so you can maintain your comfort level through the worst of weather conditions.

We are fully licensed and insured Master Electricians that pride ourselves on quality, promptness, efficiency, and professional service at all times. We are also certified in GE, Briggs & Stratton, and Generac automatic standby generators.

If you generator ever needs service call us anytime 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. With over 24 years of electrical experience, Corr & Son's Electric will help you rest easy knowing you will never be without power again!

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