Another professional After Effects Template posted on VideoHive MarketPlace for sale.
This file is great looking and easy to edit. Just replace text and videos in Change Files HERE compositions.
These Comps are located in the !!!CHANGE FILES HERE!!!/CHANGE TEXT HERE, CHANGE VIDEO TEXT HERE and CHANGE VIDEO HERE folder. Just open up the TEXT and VIDEO folders and you'll see all the text and video comps you will need to put your text and video in.
There are two projects created. One is with all effects (Trapcode Particular, Horizon, VideoCopilot Optical Flares) used for this animation. Second project is all prerender project.
Videos used in preview movie are not included with this project.
Audio is not included but feel free to write me an email about additional soundtrack information./
Additional info about all of our project along with tutorial section about easy customization of purchased project you can find at