chicken pox scar - chicken pox scars - reduce acne scars - acne scars removal

justice834z 2011-05-05

Views 744 - chicken pox scar - chicken pox scars - reduce acne scars - acne scars removal

Natural Scar Removal

Natural scar removal is a much debated topic on the web and can be very
confusing. There are literally dozens of natural remedies, scar creams,
and an array of old wives tales out there. But do any of them actually work?

That's the million dollar question. Most expensive designer scar creams and
products out there are not effective at removing scars and have no medical
evidence showing that they do. Yet, for some reason, they keep getting purchased
and used as if they are. Most of these products are just gimmicks and are filled
with moisturizers, "antioxidants", and other ineffective fillers. This is costly and unnecessary.

There are plenty of natural products and techniques that are more effective and
less expensive than any designer scar cream.

chicken pox scar - chicken pox scars - reduce acne scars - acne scars removal

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