Chasing Cars Acoustic Beginner Guitar Lesson Part 1

Rex Pearson 2011-05-01

Views 1 for a full description, more free guitar courses, guitar lessons and a great community of guitarists to help you out or share your experiences with! The Chasing Cars Guitar lesson is a great one for developing a few techniques. You will experience the usual chord playing which uses the chords you have covered so far. But also you will take a look at a technique called alternate picking, this involves picking notes with a down stroke followed by an up-stroke! Depending on your level for most this may be a little too much at once, don't worry about this and just try to play along to the whole song using simple chord strumming. If however you feel your ready have a go at the alternate picking section and also the palm muting section. Palm muting is a great technique to bring a percussive sound into your guitar playing!

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