Thailand Sending Two Diesel Power Generators to Japan

NTDTelevision 2011-04-27

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One electricity company in Thailand is lending a helping hand to Japan. It's shipping over two diesel generators to help with the country's energy needs. After last month's earthquake and tsunami, the amount of electricity available is far below normal levels.

On Wednesday, the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand packed up one of two diesel power generators ready for shipping. It's going to Japan to assist that country's power shortage after last month's devastating earthquake and tsunami.

The generator is being shipped to Kanagawa, a southern province near Tokyo on May 8th.

The second generator will be shipped to Tokyo on May 15th.

[Viwat Thairungroj, Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand]:
"These two generators have a capacity of 244 megawatts. It is expected to help 240,000 Japanese households."

Tokyo Electric Power Company, or TEPCO, requested the generators last month.

TEPCO is trying to supply power while staving off a nuclear disaster at its ailing Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.

TEPCO supplies one-third of Japan's electricity, and says it will be able to supply 52,000 megawatts of power at the end of July.

TEPCO has rationed power in its service area that covers Kanagawa, Tokyo and other prefectures.

While power supply has resumed in many areas, people are worried there will be outages when summer hits.

Firms have implemented electricity-saving measures, such as dimming big lights, switching off vending machines and cutting air conditioner use.

Some major companies say they will give a month's holiday to save on electricity.

The new generators are expected to be fully operational in August.

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