Reflection Eternal (Hi-Tek and Talib Kweli) talk to Hard Knock TV's Devi Dev about the impact of Dr Dre's Chronic album and how Gansta rap dominated music in 1993. Hi- Tek also talks about being signed to Dre's aftermath label as a producer, how Dre is a mentor to him and how people perceive Dre. He also talks about the status of Detox. Some memorable quotes from this interview from Tek: "If you cant make the Dre cut That's your fault"..."Dre has built nothing but superstars"..."You don't deserve producer credit if you don't produce, just because you make a beat doesn't make you a producer!"For more of this interview with Reflection Eternal check out: http://www.HardKnock.tvSpecial thanks to good folks at the Rehab Projects at the Scratch DJ Academy!