Alex Jones appeared on ABC's The View Monday to defend his friend Charlie Sheen, but diverted the interview into slamming George W. Bush for turning American into "a police state." Veteran journalist Barbara Walters & actor Whoopi Goldberg denounced the radio host when he referenced the theory that the government was behind the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Co-hosts Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg, who walked out when they objected to a comment Bill O'Reilly made about Muslims, did not leave when Jones attacked, "[Charlie Sheen] didn't kill a million people in Iraq. He wasn't involved with the takedown of Building Seven here in New York." compare George Bush, a million dead in Iraq!" An exasperated Elisabeth Hasselbeck complained, "If you're going to come here and go there, we're asking you about your friend! Let's stick to the topic!" Alex defends Charlie Sheen, but also reminds viewers of what topics in America are more important then just Hollywood mudslinging.