The influence of the International Jewery is more far reaching than most are willing to admit. The mere mention of jewish influence in the media and goverment is met with the unwarranted label anti-semite, this of course complicates any honest debate on the powerful influence that Jewery exercises over foreign and domestic policies in the United States as well as the predominate postion jewery holds in the media. With out a free press the American people can not form an educated position on very important national and foreign issues, two examples being, first, the Israeli occupation of Palestine and the genocide of the Palestinian men, women and children and America's unlimited foreign aid to Israel each year estimated to be in the Billions. Secondly, the hidden fact that the Federal Reserve System is a private International bank owned and operated by the wealthiest family on the planet the "House of Rothschild" a well know jewish family, and strict observant's of "Babylonian Talmud"