2011-01-04 3rd LIVE & Written Journal, Mayan day 2 Night or House ♥ TRANSCRIPT: http://www.scribd.com/doc/46495863 Intro: NOTE: Includes intro discussing Richard Moss ‘Radical Aliveness’ interview on ConsciousTV, which I’ve put at the top of my YouTube Favorites. It is so excellent - I have high praises for this particular video. Ian McNay, the interviewer, is quite good, anyway, but the alchemy with Richard Moss is really great. He brings Richard out into sharing some of the most excellent talk on heart living that I believe I have ever heard. This is no small thing, either, as Richard is one of us who had his awakening decades ago. He’s had many long years to come into tune, into wholeness with it. Through much experimentation and just simple living he has refined his path so beautifully. I could almost cry, at certain points - it’s so sweet. He shares his understanding of how he stays centered in the moment by being aware of contraction versus expansion - how he attunes to that. This part is very special to me, for I don’t know that I’ve ever heard anyone, anywhere say it better. This is poised, centered heart living, actually expressed in words. What a treat! ... Distributed by Tubemogul.