2011-01-03 2nd Journal, Mayan day 1 Wind ♥ TRANSCRIPT: http://www.scribd.com/doc/46229210 Intro: While I wait for the almost 2-hour Alex Collier lecture to upload to TubeMogul, I come to you live. I just finished uploading, with permission of course, a Max Igan hour-long radio show presentation on Wikileads and the End of Net Neutrality. It’s a really good and worthy talk to give a listen to. Let’s all remember - peaceful non-compliance. As I was speaking in this live video I came to realize that my recent listening to the ’96 Collier lecture really had to do with my pondering on Chris Thomas. I didn’t realize that, before. So, anyway, I took what Thomas said to what I consider my reference books, which are the words of the Andromedans (through Alex Collier) and the Sirian High Council (through Patricia Cori) to see how they compared. Then, of course, I took it to heart. I don’t slavishly follow anyone or anything. Thus, it must also resonate strongly in heart with me - no matter what. What I’ve come to, now, is that I have less reliance on much of what Mr. Thomas says. I still resonate with some of it - especially the part about containing the whole soul or essence in the body. I like that. Still, his information on the creation of man is just not right, the way I see it. There are other things, too, where, in my view, he’s been led astray. Oh well - none has the monopoly on Truth. I like the way the Andromedans put it in this uploading lecture: we each both are and have a piece of the puzzle. I’ve been seeing it that way for some time. While I wish, in a way, I had come on much of this info so many years ago, as many did- still, I am content that it is as it is. Things turn out the way they are meant to, on some level. We may wish we were there, and presently conscious of that - but, oh well. Share with me, friends, the peace that comes from this simple acceptance - it is what it is... Distributed by Tubemogul.