Hong Kong Protesters Demand Release for Nobel Winner Liu Xia

NTDTelevision 2010-12-10

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With the Nobel Peace Prize award ceremony a week away, Hong Kong protesters hit the streets to demand the release of Liu Xiaobo. Liu is the first ever Chinese person to receive the prestigious award. Chinese Communist Party officials are refusing to free Liu, and called the award an "obscenity."

About a thousand supporters of jailed human rights activist and Nobel prize winner Liu Xiaobo gathered in Hong Kong on Monday to demand his release. They want the Chinese regime to release Liu in time for him to attend the Nobel Peace Prize award ceremony in Norway next week.

Liu is the first Chinese person to win the prestigious award in the 109-year history of the Nobel.

Chinese Communist Party officials called the award an "obscenity" and sentenced Liu to 11 years in prison on "subversion" charges.


Police shadowed the protesters as they headed to the Chinese Communist Party's liaison office. The protesters put up a net and tied ribbons and postcards to it in support of Liu.

They also strongly condemned the house arrest of Liu's wife, Liu Xia.

[Lee Cheuk-yan, Hong Kong Lawmaker]:
"Liu Xiaobo getting the Nobel Peace Prize should be an honor to all Chinese and shamefully the Chinese government still jailed Liu Xiaobo without releasing him. So this is really a shame to the world and witnessed by the world. And we felt very sad as Chinese that the Chinese government had not released Liu Xiaobo."

A Hong Kong lawmaker, Lee will travel to Oslo for the ceremony. He said about another 100 prominent exiled Chinese dissidents and supporters from around the world plan to hold protests outside the Chinese embassy and rallies around the Norwegian capital in the run-up to the prize.

The peace prize winner Liu Xiaobo, is an activist, writer and poet. He's believed to be the fifth laureate not able to attend the award ceremony for political reasons. A symbolic empty chair will be used to represent him.

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