n Volume #26: Observing Value: The cube, cylinder & sphere Hall teaches the beginning art student the techniques that are essential for accurately observing and painting value relationships. He begins with a detailed demonstration on painting a ten step, classic linear grayscale, and then applies the chart and concepts he presented on value to painting three geometric forms. The DVD is divided into convenient navigatable chapters, allowing one to view the introduction to value and making of the linear grayscale, and then move onward to the cube, cylinder or sphere demos. Hall describes in great detail how to apply the values observed within the forms to painting both the planes and light and shadow patterns to suggest three-dimensions. This DVD is essential for all beginning art students, and is outstanding for teaching one how to paint the ten step linear value scale and foundation forms that are the building blocks of all subjects in nature. Within the two-hour DVD are brilliant close-up shots of Hall's classical oil painting techniques and views of his studio and palette as he discusses his paintings at different stages.