Sanskrit (saṃskṛtam) Vedic Prayers (Hindu Tradition, Tamils)

hindunagapooshani 2010-09-01

Views 536

Sanskrit (saṃskṛtam) Vedic Prayers (Hindu Tradition, Tamils) |
Psychic Reading, Astrology and Family Counselling
Sri Kandaswamy priest also does: Psychic Readings on Tuesday and Friday morning (10:00-12:30) - during this time devotees line up (First come first serve) and swami-ji will do face reading of their problems and solutions Astrology: Swami reads chart, write charts and match horoscope For these services please call 416-412-1289 and make an appointment Family Conselling Please come to temple and feel free to discuss any concern or problems that you are having Swami will lead you in the right path and provide you with solutions to your problems.

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