Director: Simon Robson
England, 2004, 2min
Category: Animation
AWARDS: Best Animation 2004 WINNERS
An un-apologetic criticism of US foreign policy and The Project for the New American Century. Animation follows the dialogue, giving visual poignancy and weight to Barry's words. The propoganda-esque style of the motion graphics further re-inforces the message. Is this a conspiracy theory? Far from it.
Simon Robson moved to London in 1995 having completed his bachelors degree in French and Politics at Aston University, Birmingham. After 4 years of adventure in the city, musical success was thin on the ground. Around the end of 1999 Simon decided to switch direction and start a graphics and digital media course at Ravensbourne college. Simon's interest in graphics and animation quickly developed and by 2001 he was a freelance animator and designer working with various design houses in London.