Al Caudullo, the 3DGuy, brought Antonio Graceffo and Ulysses together for a test shoot of a 3D Muay Thai fight. I hope you enjoy it.
If you want to see more 3D or want more 3D Muay Thai leave me a comment or visit
Before September 11th, Antonio Graceffo was a successful investment banker working on Wall Street. In 2001 he left behind the world of high finance to pursue a childhood dream - the life of a full-time adventurer and writer.
Our team,Explore 3D, is a small team of passionate individuals headed by Al who teaches us about 3D production.
We launched a FUND RAISING CAMPAIGN (to fund Explore 3D Phuket film) on 5/24/11
with the hope to raise $7500 in 120days.
We'll appreciate any amount you can donate to make this project happen. To express our thanks, a digital copy of the film in 2D or 3D,Phuket souvenir shirts and website/film credits awaits you.
PLEASE HELP US. Check out the campaign details here:
OUR BIG BIG THANKS in advance.
-Rem of Explore3D